
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Earth is in Our Hands

  Anyone with children or planning on having children would say that it is their duty to care for that child; watching their child get set would be the worst thing possible and watching them get hurt makes them scared and miserable. We need to learn to treat the earth as if it is our child; after all the way we treat it will affect our child, our child’s child, our child’s child’s child, etc. We as humans hold the planet in our hands. Instead of cradling, respecting, and loving it, we throw it to the ground and stomp on it. We take all that we want and not what we need; while there are millions of people not even getting nearly what they need.  Everyone on the planet right now has an effect on it. I believe we all have duties to protect future people from the adverse effects of climate change. The Earth is getting hotter and hotter day by day, the air quality is getting worse, the oceans are becoming a third garbage can--the second being the ground we walk on, and people are going to s

A World Without People

  When I think of the Earth and when I think of human beings on the Earth, I think of human beings with the earth. I don’t think of the Earth with human beings, and I surely do not think the Earth AND human beings. Right now, humans on this planet are pretty much just using and abusing it instead of living on it simply how animals and plants do. Human beings do not use what they need; instead, they use what they want. Luckily, present day humans are educated on climate change; they know that the choices they make right now affect the future of the planet and the future generations that live on this planet; instead of trying to do everything that they can to try and fix this problem, or rather prevent it from getting worse, humans sleep on their problems as if they will solve it in their dreams or they say, “I won’t be alive in one hundred years, so what does it matter?” There are parts of the earth that are right now, as I type this, burning to crisps and dying off; there are currently

Am I the Same Person I Used to Be

       When I was ten years old, I was a stereotypical innocent child. I didn’t know how to explain whether I was sad or happy or angry or ecstatic; I hardly even knew what any emotions except happiness or excitement even felt like. I didn’t know that everyone in the world wasn’t extremely kind to each other. When my mom would tell me to ignore any strangers telling me they were “lost” or that they need help, I would laugh and think why would anyone lie about something so serious. I didn’t know that marriages failed because of things other than falling out of love; I didn’t even know financial problems could be so serious or that someone would really commit adultery. I didn’t understand why my siblings would get in trouble for coming home so late while in high school, or why they would seem so incoherent and wobbly after coming home from being with their friends. I didn’t know how difficult and stressful school could get, nor did I know getting a job could be so hard but spending money