
 Caney's arguments about reparations regarding anthropogenic climate change apply to the issues of reparations for slavery. Although these two situations are quite different in what occurs under them, they relate to each other as they greatly affect the lives of people living in society at the time. Caney speaks about a Casual Party and a Beneficiary Party in regards to the reparations of climate change; the Casual party is made up of those who caused the issues and the Beneficiary Party is made up of those who benefited from the damage that was caused. When it comes to the Casual party, there are many people who are not alive today who greatly caused the climate change that we and the future can suffer. This relates to slavery as slavery was something that went on for centuries, and many of those who had slaves were no longer alive when it was being worked to end. The Beneficiary Party is made up of those who benefited from the damage, and I believe this includes almost everyone. When it came to slavery, many people benefitted from this whether it was the food they got to eat or the clothes they worse; with climate change, many people have contributed to this problem or benefitted from it due to what they eat, where they get their clothes and everyday objects, hair and makeup items they use, and transportation choices. Many people can say they try to make eco-friendly choices but just leaving your phone plugged in overnight, using specific face washes, buying many new pairs of jeans, leaving the lights on, leaving your water running while brushing your teeth, the cleaning products you use, and many other things you may do every single day greatly affect our environment. Although you are not directly emitted harmful gases into the air and disposing of waste in a harmful way and every person may feel like a raindrop in the ocean, we have still benefited from the things big corporations do and from little things we do carelessly everyday. Everyone should be held responsible in my opinion. 


  1. Hi Catherine! I liked how you compared the effects of slavery to the effects of climate change. I thought that was really interesting. I also agree that everyone should be held responsible, but I was curious is you agreed the Casual Party of the Beneficiary Party policies or both.

  2. Hi Catherine! I agree with you that we all should take part of the responsibility in events such as climate change. I also believe it would be hard to give reparations to all that should get them, because how do you put a number value or really a value like that on something like our environment and someones life. I don't think you can really put a value on this and we should all take part responsibility. Then again I also believe that those who should we help responsible may not be able to be due to them not being alive anymore. These are topics that are hard to respond to and to make right.

  3. Hi Catherine! I do have to agree with your statements about climate change. I believe everyone is responsible for the impact that it currently has on our environment. Do you think that we can do more to make an impact in our lives? Why do you think we are just as responsible for climate change as businesses are?

    1. I mentioned in my post many everyday things that people do that are so horrible for the environment; everyone is responsible for contributing to it at some point of their life, unfortunately. Businesses of course will always be the leading cause, but I think everyone should work together to fix a problem like this and prevent a horrible future instead of just pointing fingers at who does the most.

  4. Hello Catherine,

    I agree with your argument that we may all benefit in some way from the past degradation of the environment in industrialized countries. One of the issues mentioned earlier on by Caney relates to how much one should be afforded in reparations in relation to other individuals. How do you believe this could be fairly calculated?

    I thank you in advance for your response.

    Drew Califano

    1. Honestly, I am not quite sure how this should be calculated. I feel like it should be just a way everyone is taxed based on their yearly salary, but of course, like everything else, this is controversial. I could understand why calculating this and figuring out who does what and why would take time and more time to come to an official conclusion and calculation.


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