Reparations and Racial Inequality

 Darby discusses in his article "Reparations and Racial Inequality" the issue of reparations for African Americans and what these reparations should be. He brings up that many people asked for monetary reparations be made; I find this demand to be crazy, and Darby states how monetary and physical reparations may not be enough. I find it really crazy that people would demand monetary reparations because what at all does that change? It is like saying money fixes everything; when it reality, it doesn't. 

Darby overall argues that African Americans need to live in a world in which they are equal to be themselves and to have the life of everyone around them. Darby brings up the idea of building statues and museums and what not, but even this still will not fix everything. When it comes to monetary reparations, you obviously reach the question of where does this money come from; it would not be fair to make anyone today make a monetary payment because 150 years ago an extremely distant ancestor of theirs was possibly a horrible person. Asking monetary payments to be made from a person who has never done anything bad to the situation will just anger them. Thinking monetary payments will suffice is just insane as this changes absolutely nothing in society. Slavery ended, but inequality never ended, and in order to end this, the societal view needs to change since clearly the political view has not done enough. Giving physical reparations also quite literally does nothing, and it angers me that people even requested that. In order to create equality in society, there is significantly more than needs to be done instead of giving monetary and physical reparations. This is just like giving a kid a new toy so that they like you; they don't actually like you, they just like what you gave them. 

In order to create the equality that we need, the societal view needs to change. There are laws in place to make African Americans politically equal, but writing on paper does not change the rude bigoted opinions that so many people have. The only way this equality can be achieved is absolutely everyone holding the same exact standard. Equality is giving each and every person the ability to express themselves in the exact way they were made to do, putting aside all things race, and giving everyone equal opportunity to achieve in this world. This is not a simple thing that can be reached through giving monetary and physical reparations; these feelings and actions come from the mind not the wallet. 


  1. Hi Catherine,

    I agree with you how people wanting monetary reparations will do absolutely nothing to help to fix the problem. It does not make sense to pay someone who was not first hand affected by slavery and people that did not commit any wrongs should not have to pay the reparations. To truly help get rid of racial inequality society has to completely change as a whole. How could we really fix the problem with inequality with out causing many more problems?

    1. I feel that changing what we teach children at a young age when it comes to inequalities and what we could do to stop these could create hope for the future, but for present day, I am also entirely unsure of how to make society change as a whole. Unfortunately those who claim bigoted opinions are to stubborn to even try to be accepting and think otherwise.

  2. Hey Catherine !

    When I was reading about the monetary reparations I had the same exact reaction as you did.Money is not going to fix anything and to put blame to people that have done nothing is unhair. The place that I am from my ancestors were also colonized and enslaved. Would it be fair that me and my family pay for monetary reparations when indeed my own ancestors were also slaves ? I believe that instead of focusing on the past and what was done, why not focus on how can we repair a biased system ?

    1. Exactly! There is an extremely unfair and biased system that needs to ultimately be fixed and changed in order to create any improvement. I understand how horrible slavery was in the past, but when you look at the present day world, there is still human trafficking occuring in so many places! I think that working to stop all of this would benefit everyone as a whole, and this is NOT something money would ever come close to fixing.


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